Join us for our June WEB - Women’s Empowerment in Business Networking Meetup! Our monthly meetings bridge the gap between traditional networking and community building by focusing on topic discussion about situations that we can ALL relate to! As we learn and build a supportive business community, our resulting referrals will be more genuine, qualified, and successful!
Join us for our June meeting, with discussion lead, Tracy Aparo of EGage HR Consulting on “Adapting Your Leadership Style for Optimal Results”! We’ll look at Key Points related to Leadership Styles and Principles, Balancing Assertiveness and Empathy, Conflict Resolution Skills, And Customer & Client Engagement.
Our first half hour of each meetup is open networking prior to each discussion, so feel free to bring your business cards and a friend and join us!
*Our meetups are inclusive to any female-identifying, small business and non-business owners looking to connect through networking.